Homeopathic Remedies for Panic Attacks, Anxiety and Worry


If you or a loved one has been suffering with panic attacks, anxiety or worry due to current events, the following remedies may help to offer relief. Match your symptoms with the remedies listed below to find the right one for you. If these remedies only help for a short time or your anxiety is more chronic in nature, it may be best to see a homeopath for a consultation where they can help you treat the root cause and reduce/eliminate the reoccurrence.

For more information on dosage and duration see: ‘How to Take Remedies’ below.


This is the #1 panic attack remedy, it's also great for nightmares and night terrors. Aconite helps to calm people after shock after frightful ordeals or from receiving bad news.

Remedy for shock, fright, terror, sudden panic attacks or waking in the night in fear/terror. Panic attacks that occur at any time, fear they will die, fight, flight or freeze reaction. Nightmares and night terrors. Often comes about from witnessing a traumatic event or from receiving bad news. Physical symptoms may include increased heart rate, heart palpitations, sweating, restlessness, hyperventilation and dilated pupils. Worse at night, especially around midnight. Their attacks are better for open air.

Give 200c and wait, you may need to repeat the remedy if they’re not completely out of that state in 15-30 mins. For all other instances see ‘How to Take Remedies’ below.


This is a great remedy for night terrors if the person has PTSD after experiencing fright, witnessing a death, violence or a life-threatening situation.

Awakes in fear or screaming, recognises no one. Fear and terror with violence and/or convulsions. Violence – kicking, biting, striking, violent aggression. Remembers nothing of it after the attack. Anxiety and fear in the dark and from the sound of rushing water. Wild and delirious. May develop stammering from frightful ordeals. It is similar to belladonna in seizures and febrile convulsions, but remaining longer and with reoccurrences. Spasmodic affections – convulsions, spasms, cramps, twitching, jerks and stammering – from fright. Worse from glistening objects, fright, after sleep and when alone. Attacks are better for light and company.

Give 200c and wait, you may need to repeat the remedy if they’re not completely out of that state in 15-30 mins. For all other instances see ‘How to Take Remedies’ below.


This is a great remedy for people who may be fearful of contracting an illness or of dying from one. They may be fearful of not having enough money and fear financial or economic collapse. They will be better for company and reassurance.

Fear of disease and becoming ill. Fear of dying. Fear of being alone. Fear of poverty. Fear of losing control. Needs company and reassurance, can be very dependent on people. Anxiety about health can turn into hypochondria. Fear and anxiety as a result of not being in control. May over-sanitise everything. May be too anxious to leave the house or be around people. They can be fastidious, obsessed with order and tidiness, restless, impatient and have sudden attacks of anxiety for no reason. Often wakes at night between 3am and 5am - lung time. Their anxiety is better for walking around and company.

Arg-nit (Argentum nitricum)

This is a great remedy for people who worry about and fear the day ahead and the challenges it will bring because don’t feel able to cope or perform. Their anxiety brings on gastric disturbances, often at the start of the day or in the lead up to the task at hand due to anticipation for what is to come. These people often crave salt and/or sweets.

Nervousness and anticipatory anxiety. Nervous, impulsive and hurried. Anticipatory anxiety for what the day will bring. Lots of Phobias – fear of crowds, fear in the street, fear when alone, stage fright, fear of being late, claustrophobia, fear of high places, fear of fainting, fear of failure, fear of being unable to cope or perform with the task at hand. The anxiety can lead to flatulence, loose stools or diarrhoea, especially before an event. They’re usually too hot, feel suffocated when in small enclosed spaces or when wearing too much clothing and need air. Their anxiety is better for open air.

For relief of anticipation before up-coming events: give 200c - 1 pill the night before, 1 pill on waking and 1 pill 1 hour before the event. For all other instances see ‘How to Take Remedies’ below.


This is a great remedy for after bad news or like Arg-nit, for people who fear or dread the day or event to come especially ordeals, examinations and new situations such as; job interviews or meetings and doctors appointments - but instead of gastric disturbances they exhibit dullness and paralysis in the form of weakness, lethargy, dizziness and they may even tremble from the fear. Their mental capacity may also be decreased so they may experience memory loss and/or slow cognition. Their anxiety is often better for drinking alcohol (it stabilises them) and profuse urination.

Never been well since fright, speechless from fright. Apprehension, anticipation and timidity, dread of ordeals, such situations lie heavy on the person and ‘paralyse’ them. Fear of appearing in public and of failing examinations. There is a lack of willpower, lack of muscular coordination and mental and physical weakness. Fear of losing control. Heaviness of lower limbs. Trembling from fright. Dull, dizzy and drowsy. They have an aversion to company. Wants to be quiet and left alone.

For relief of anticipation before up-coming events: give 200c - 1 pill the night before, 1 pill on waking and 1 pill 1 hour before the event. For all other instances see ‘How to Take Remedies’ below.


This is a great remedy for anxiety where the person is very tearful. They fear being left alone or abandoned – they need lots of love, attention and consolation.

Anxiety with weeping, tearfulness, timidity neediness and clinginess. These symptoms may alternate with laughter. Mild and Yielding disposition. Anxiety and fear when in narrow places, around crowds, when alone and in the dark. Fear of insanity. They can be self-pitying. Their anxiety is always better for attention, consolation and open air.

Calc carb

This person is full of fears and worries but their deepest fear or concern is how they are going to survive on a physical level, they are over-responsible – do they have a job, are they financially stable, do they have a strong foundation, can they pay the rent/mortgage, do they have enough food in the cupboards etc. They will always make sure these boxes are ticked and worry that they aren’t – even if they are! It’s usually used as a constitutional remedy for these kinds of states, especially when they are ongoing - but it does come up as a temporary acute state every now and again, especially in the times we’re currently in.

Full of fears, worries and anxieties, they worry about every little thing. May have anxieties when closing their eyes – see objects. They may have nightmares and are afraid of the dark. They are easily frightened. They become confused quite easily and so fear insanity and being observed to be insane, but they’re not. They have anxiety about health. They cannot bear to see cruelty, they are very sensitive to seeing bad things happen. They have a fear of poverty and have a strong work ethic. Slow and reliable, they carry the burden of the whole world. They fear losing control - dropping the ball, can feel the buck stops with them. They can also have a fear of dogs, insects, spiders and mice. They often find it hard to get to sleep from worry and wake in the night with it too. Their anxiety is better for working, and knowing they have all the provisions and their foundation is stable.

How to Take Remedies

In intense situations where they need immediate relief there and then give 200c - 1 pill every 1-2 hours for 3 doses, if no change try a different remedy. Stop when symptoms subside.

When their symptoms don’t need immediate attention, i.e. they’re not happening right now, but it’s a state they go into often, you can either give the remedy as and when symptoms arise, stopping when they feel better, or give the remedy over a course of days in order to allow their body a little more time to process and heal. In this instance take 200c - 1 pill twice daily for 3-5 days. Continue with improvement. If symptoms cease completely, stop the remedy.

If you find they need to take the remedy regularly and symptoms reoccur quite often, it would be better that they see a homeopath, as they will help them treat the root cause and reduce the likelihood of future reoccurrence.

Sarah Miles