What Homeopathic Treatment Looks Like


Homeopathic consultations are available in person in Islington, London. I also see patients both in the UK and internationally online via Zoom. I also offer home visits to patients in London and the surrounding areas. I provide homeopathic support for both acute and chronic conditions. Have a read below for more information on the difference between the two:

Acute Care

Acute consultations are recommended for short term, self-resolving conditions - i.e. nothing chronic or long-standing in nature.

Some examples of acute conditions include:

  • Viral illnesses - cold and flu, coughs, sore throats, tonsillitis, fever, earache.

  • Urinary tract infections and cystitis.

  • Accidents and injuries - bruises, broken bones, twisted ligaments, lacerations, puncture wounds and burns.

  • Childhood illnesses – measles, chickenpox, whooping cough etc.

  • Headaches and migraines.

  • Mother and baby – colic, teething and mastitis.

  • Dental – infections, pain, inflammation.

  • Digestive upset - food poisoning, diarrhoea, sickness, constipation.

  • Trauma – recent shock, grief or bad news.

During our call I take down your symptoms and carefully select all of the relevant remedies you may need, I then advise on dosage and duration. You then purchase these from your preferred homeopathic pharmacy.

I am then on hand for 1 additional follow-up (this is free of charge) to assess your progress, potentially adjust the prescription and offer support and advice whilst you heal.

Constitutional Care

Constitutional consultations are recommended for chronic conditions, or for acute problems that haven’t resolved - which suggests you may need to get to the root of the problem.

Some examples of chronic conditions include:

  • Allergies of every kind.

  • Neurological and nervous system disorders: ADHD, autism, aspergers, pans/pandas, alzheimers, dementia, epilepsy, poor memory, TMJ, Trigeminal neuralgia etc.

  • Digestive disorders: IBS, crohn's, colitis, chronic constipation, H-Pylori, diverticulitis, stomach ulcers, fatty liver etc.

  • Male and female hormonal issues: infertility, pregnancy and childbirth, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation etc.

  • Skin conditions: acne, eczema, psoriasis etc.

  • Sleep disorders: insomnia, low energy, ME etc.

  • Inflammatory and musculoskeletal issues: arthritis, osteoporosis etc.

  • Circulation problems: heart disease, high and low blood pressure, blood clotting etc.

  • Suppressed vitality: post-viral syndromes, ailments from toxicity etc.

  • Endocrine disorders: thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, pituitary dysfunction etc.

  • Autoimmune issues.

  • Mental/emotional issues: anxiety, depression, stress, grief, addiction, PTSD etc.

A full initial consultation (90 mins) with regular 6-8 week follow ups (45 mins) is usually recommended so to support your body through its healing process.

A detailed case history is taken during consultation. Prescribing is based on all aspects of your condition. Treatment will be aimed at relieving the most recent symptoms first, whilst addressing any underlying cause to minimise further deterioration or recurrence of symptoms. The intention is not to suppress symptoms but to treat and prevent illness by stimulating and maintaining health.

I will then provide you with a carefully selected personalised prescription of homeopathic remedies to take.

You may also be given additional advice regarding relevant lifestyle changes and/or supplements.

I then see you every 6-8 weeks to follow your progress and prescribe new remedies as your body moves through the healing process.

I usually recommend booking a Free Curiosity Call before booking an Initial Consultation, just so you get the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have about treatment and get a feel for whether I’m the right homeopath for you. Once you’re happy with everything I can book you in!


For more information on consultations, prices and booking please click here