What is Homeopathy?


Homeopathy can be used to treat the following conditions:

Allergies, asthma, eczema, hay fever, cat / dog allergies, children’s health, teething, colic, ear and throat infections, coughs, ADHD, ailments from vaccinations, IBS, constipation, diarrhoea, PMS, menopause, infertility, ailments from synthetic hormones, pregnancy and childbirth, thrush, cystitis, prostate, impotency, hormonal disorders, premature ejaculation, psoriasis, acne, impetigo, cold sores, dermatitis, anxiety, depression, stress, grief, insomnia, low energy, poor memory, migraines, arthritis, heart disease, ME, post-viral syndromes, ailments from toxicity and more…

Homeopathy works with your body so it can heal itself

Homeopathy is a system of medicine designed to clear your symptoms gently and effectively by working with your body’s own healing ability.

It’s completely natural

Homeopathic remedies are made from natural, non-toxic ingredients and do not cause side effects.

It treats the whole of you

Homeopathy looks at the body as an integrated whole, when one part is out we look to the entire system for clues as to why this is so. Treating the part usually only helps for a while as it only acts as a band-aid solution and can often cause damage to other areas of the body if its suppressed.

It gets to the root cause

We don’t just treat the symptoms, we look for what caused them in the first place - when that’s treated the symptoms can begin to heal as a result.

It can be used as alternative and as complementary medicine

Homeopathy can be used as an alternative to conventional medication. It can also be used alongside conventional medicine as it does not interact with medications like herbal medicine.

Homeopathic Research

For more information on research into homeopathic medicine, please visit the Homeopathic Research Institute here.