I’m Sarah, I’m a homeopath and I help you to work alongside your body so that it can heal itself.

Your body knows exactly how to heal, but sometimes it can get a little stuck along the way. As we go through life we inevitably come up against stress, trauma, toxicity, and suppression - all of which block it from its natural healthy state.

Homeopathy helps your body remember how to heal. It taps into your body’s natural intelligence system and gently reminds it of what it is and what it’s meant to do, and then your body does the rest.


When we work together I take the time to really listen to you so I can get to know you and understand everything that has lead you to this point in your life.

I take a look at your health on every level; physically, mentally and emotionally. This means your treatment is custom tailored to you as an individual and not with a ‘one size fits all’ method. As a result, we are able to get to the root cause of your symptoms and help you heal much more effectively and on a much deeper level.

I then prescribe remedies that gently encourage your body to start the healing process and find its way back to its natural state of equilibrium and vitality.


Ultimately, it’s not me or the remedies, but you that creates your own healing. Homeopathy is just the catalyst.

The beauty of the homeopathic approach to healing is it shows us just how powerful we really are. It enables us to cultivate deeper trust in our body’s ability to heal and to withstand the challenges that we have to face. This in turn creates a more authentic and empowered way of living and of taking care of ourselves, which ultimately has a positive impact on everything in our lives and the planet as a whole.

You’re welcome to book a FREE curiosity call to find out if I’m the right homeopath for you and to ask me any questions you may have here:


What is Homeopathy?


Homeopathy can be used to treat the following conditions:

Allergies, asthma, eczema, hay fever, cat / dog allergies, children’s health, teething, colic, ear and throat infections, coughs, ADHD, ailments from vaccinations, IBS, constipation, diarrhoea, PMS, menopause, infertility, ailments from synthetic hormones, pregnancy and childbirth, thrush, cystitis, prostate, impotency, hormonal disorders, premature ejaculation, psoriasis, acne, impetigo, cold sores, dermatitis, anxiety, depression, stress, grief, insomnia, low energy, poor memory, migraines, arthritis, heart disease, ME, post-viral syndromes, ailments from toxicity and more…

Homeopathy works with your body so it can heal itself

Homeopathy is a system of medicine designed to clear your symptoms gently and effectively by working with your body’s own healing ability.

It’s completely natural

Homeopathic remedies are made from natural, non-toxic ingredients and do not cause side effects.

It treats the whole of you

Homeopathy looks at the body as an integrated whole, when one part is out we look to the entire system for clues as to why this is so. Treating the part usually only helps for a while as it only acts as a band-aid solution and can often cause damage to other areas of the body if its suppressed.

It gets to the root cause

We don’t just treat the symptoms, we look for what caused them in the first place - when that’s treated the symptoms can begin to heal as a result.

It can be used as alternative and as complementary medicine

Homeopathy can be used as an alternative to conventional medication. It can also be used alongside conventional medicine as it does not interact with medications like herbal medicine.

Homeopathic Research

For more information on research into homeopathic medicine, please visit the Homeopathic Research Institute here.



What Homeopathic Treatment Looks Like


Homeopathic consultations are available in person in Islington, London. I also see patients both in the UK and internationally online via Zoom. I also offer home visits to patients in London and the surrounding areas. I provide homeopathic support for both acute and chronic conditions. Have a read below for more information on the difference between the two:

Acute Care

Acute consultations are recommended for short term, self-resolving conditions - i.e. nothing chronic or long-standing in nature.

Some examples of acute conditions include:

  • Viral illnesses - cold and flu, coughs, sore throats, tonsillitis, fever, earache.

  • Urinary tract infections and cystitis.

  • Accidents and injuries - bruises, broken bones, twisted ligaments, lacerations, puncture wounds and burns.

  • Childhood illnesses – measles, chickenpox, whooping cough etc.

  • Headaches and migraines.

  • Mother and baby – colic, teething and mastitis.

  • Dental – infections, pain, inflammation.

  • Digestive upset - food poisoning, diarrhoea, sickness, constipation.

  • Trauma – recent shock, grief or bad news.

During our call I take down your symptoms and carefully select all of the relevant remedies you may need, I then advise on dosage and duration. You then purchase these from your preferred homeopathic pharmacy.

I am then on hand for 1 additional follow-up (this is free of charge) to assess your progress, potentially adjust the prescription and offer support and advice whilst you heal.

Constitutional Care

Constitutional consultations are recommended for chronic conditions, or for acute problems that haven’t resolved - which suggests you may need to get to the root of the problem.

Some examples of chronic conditions include:

  • Allergies of every kind.

  • Neurological and nervous system disorders: ADHD, autism, aspergers, pans/pandas, alzheimers, dementia, epilepsy, poor memory, TMJ, Trigeminal neuralgia etc.

  • Digestive disorders: IBS, crohn's, colitis, chronic constipation, H-Pylori, diverticulitis, stomach ulcers, fatty liver etc.

  • Male and female hormonal issues: infertility, pregnancy and childbirth, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation etc.

  • Skin conditions: acne, eczema, psoriasis etc.

  • Sleep disorders: insomnia, low energy, ME etc.

  • Inflammatory and musculoskeletal issues: arthritis, osteoporosis etc.

  • Circulation problems: heart disease, high and low blood pressure, blood clotting etc.

  • Suppressed vitality: post-viral syndromes, ailments from toxicity etc.

  • Endocrine disorders: thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, pituitary dysfunction etc.

  • Autoimmune issues.

  • Mental/emotional issues: anxiety, depression, stress, grief, addiction, PTSD etc.

A full initial consultation (90 mins) with regular 6-8 week follow ups (45 mins) is usually recommended so to support your body through its healing process.

A detailed case history is taken during consultation. Prescribing is based on all aspects of your condition. Treatment will be aimed at relieving the most recent symptoms first, whilst addressing any underlying cause to minimise further deterioration or recurrence of symptoms. The intention is not to suppress symptoms but to treat and prevent illness by stimulating and maintaining health.

I will then provide you with a carefully selected personalised prescription of homeopathic remedies to take.

You may also be given additional advice regarding relevant lifestyle changes and/or supplements.

I then see you every 6-8 weeks to follow your progress and prescribe new remedies as your body moves through the healing process.

I usually recommend booking a Free Curiosity Call before booking an Initial Consultation, just so you get the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have about treatment and get a feel for whether I’m the right homeopath for you. Once you’re happy with everything I can book you in!


For more information on consultations, prices and booking please click here



Consultations and Pricing


FREE Curiosity Call

20 minutes

I usually recommend booking a free curiosity call before booking an initial consultation. This is a great opportunity for you to speak to me and ask me any questions you might have so you can find out how it all works and see if I’m the right homeopath for you before booking in.


Consultations in Person - Islington, London

Adults and Children

Initial consultation (90 minutes): £139

Follow-up consultations (45 minutes): £90

Prices inclusive of remedies and postage

I see patients in person in Islington, London. If you’d like to book a consultation, please contact me and I’ll send you my booking calendar based on the day you’d like to come in.


Video Consultations - Worldwide

Adults and Children

Initial consultation (90 minutes): £100

Follow-up consultations (45 minutes): £65

Prices inclusive of remedies and postage


Home Visits - London and the Surrounding Areas

Adults and Children

Initial consultation (90 minutes): £139

Follow-up consultations (45 minutes) : £90

Prices inclusive of remedies and postage


Acute Consultations

For more information about acute consultations please click here.

Acute consultations are usually conducted over the phone or via video. During our call I take down your symptoms and carefully select all of the relevant remedies you may need, I then advise on dosage and duration. You then purchase these from your preferred homeopathic pharmacy.

I am then on hand for one additional follow-up (this is free of charge) to assess your progress, potentially adjust the prescription and offer support and advice whilst you heal.

Telephone or Video Call:                         

  • Up to 30 minutes: £30

  • Up to 45 minutes: £45

  • Up to 60 minutes: £60

Prices exclusive of remedies and postage


I offer discounts to those who are genuinely financially challenged.

For families of four or more, where both parents are coming regularly, I treat the youngest child free.

To speak to me about different discount options please click here.

FREE 20 Minute Curiosity Calls

This is helpful if you’re unsure of what type of consultation you need or if you have a specific question that you wish to discuss. It also helps you to get a feel for whether I’m the right homeopath for you before booking. You can call, explain your condition to me and we can then establish what type of care would be best for you going forward:



About Me

Sarah Miles LCHE

I’m an experienced licensed homeopath working in North London and internationally online via Skype and Zoom, I provide complete homeopathic treatment and support for both adults and children.

I use an integrative and holistic approach to a wide range of physical and mental health issues; blending both practical and classical homeopathic methodologies to better understand your issue and help you to treat it in the most gentle and effective way possible.

I studied at the Centre for Homeopathic Education, where I received both academic and clinical homeopathic training - graduating with a Licentiate in Classical and Practical Homeopathy. I have much experience working with people from a variety of backgrounds and with a broad range of physical and emotional health issues. Today I treat patients in the UK at my practice in North London and internationally online. I also work part-time at Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy in Covent Garden, London, where I have been a homeopathic consultant for 8 years.

I have a lifetime of experience using homeopathy as I was very fortunate to be raised by homeopaths. The holistic philosophy (treating the whole person) was at the very heart of my home and outside of this I was also surrounded by a large community of homeopaths and holistic practitioners. As a result the holistic philosophy is deeply ingrained within me. Growing up my parents took us to see a homeopath regularly for constitutional treatment, and in-between they treated all of our acute ailments homeopathically and as naturally as possible - all of which I still do to this day.

Using homeopathy throughout my life this way has been incredibly empowering and reassuring as I have been able to treat most physical, mental and emotional ailments myself from my own home, this has enabled me to have greater autonomy over my own health and tap into my body’s own inner wisdom and healing ability. Working regularly with my homeopath has supported me through all of the major ups and downs life has thrown at me, and has often (to my amazement) completely turned things around overnight.

I chose to become a homeopath myself so I could share this incredible system of medicine with others.The combination of it’s comprehensive and integrated philosophy, and it’s scope of action in practice means it can guide us back home to a state of trust again, trust in the healing process, and to our body’s ability to heal and to overcome challenges in ways we didn’t realise were possible.



With her amazing care and advice Sarah saw me through my darkest days when I was suffering with a very severe viral illness. Nothing else helped but homeopathic remedies.
— SK
Sarah was the first homeopath I ever visited and I’m glad that she was. When first meeting at Sarah’s practice, I already felt that I was in a safe space, not only because of the environment that she created physically, but also from the warm and nurturing disposition that she emanates. Sarah knows how to balance professionalism with an almost maternal energy. She made me feel comfortable to discuss any physical and emotional barriers for my homeopathic needs at the time, free from judgement. As for the results, the homeopathy that Sarah provided helped me shed my old skin and was a stepping stone to becoming a healthier, better version of myself. So if you are looking for a new homeopath or new to homeopathy like I was, then I can’t recommend Sarah enough!!!
— RS
I first came to see Sarah as I was suffering from fibroids and was looking for an alternative to surgery. I have used homeopathy in the past but I especially like the way that Sarah prescribes several remedies for a period of time, rather than a single dose. She has explained to me how this works and I have experienced significant relief from my fibroid condition together with a very intractable urinary tract infection. In short, this has changed my life. Sarah is very attuned in her practice and I have also greatly benefitted from the way that the remedies work on the emotions to help heal the physical body.
— ES
I started working with Sarah two years ago when I was suffering from conditions that were having an affect on my physical and mental wellbeing. Sarah has a natural ability to listen, question without judgement and tease out the problem. Her patience, understanding and knowledge means that she works with you to prescribe the right remedies at the right time. Homeopathy has been a life changer for me and Sarah has been a massive and welcomed part of my journey to recovery.
— AG
I have found Sarah to be highly knowledgeable and sensitive and considerate in her approach. I have benefitted massively from her treatment and have recommended her to my friends.
— MT
I had been diagnosed with acute bronchitis and had been coughing for two months. I had seen three doctors, been through several rounds of medicines, and my body was worn down. I spoke to Sarah and within two weeks, I could breathe normally again. It was total healing from the inside out.
— MS


In-person consultations are held at: Brighter Spaces, 2A Prebend St, London, N1 8PT.

To make a booking please select one of the booking options below. If you have a question you can email me at info@sarahmileshomeopathy.com or call me on: +44 (0)7449 308 205.


- Booking -